Song of the Blind Girl
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I am really pleased with Song of the Blind Girl and very happy with best price for sale cheap this site. It will save you some money. I received Song of the Blind Girl the next day. This was an excellent deal! Read Song of the Blind Girl Customer Reviews before buy online.
Here are some of the great features of Song of the Blind Girl
, An Iraq war veteran suffering from PTSD and Psychosis returns home. His wife has already divorced him and moved out with children. He wanders around and finds a vacant house and occupies it. Then he tries to reconstitute his lost family by kidnapping children whom he thinks are his own. The teen (Jennifer) whom he kidnapped came from a dysfunctional family. Her mother sold her virginity on the internet to Mr. Miller, a wealthy man. Jennifer ran away from Miller's house and was kidnapped. Police suspect foul play in her disappearance and suspect her parents. Her stepfather confessed to her murder. Jennifer attempted a coat hanger abortion at Kidnapper's house and had a near death experience. Kidnapper promise to God to return Jennifer to her mother, if she lives. The child Mia whom he kidnapped kept pining for her mother until she catch pneumonia in the cold house without any utilities. She was taken to hospital but was kidnapped by someone else. Police suspected foul play in the child's disappearance and the mother points finger at her ex-boyfriend Brandon. Police kills Brandon. Kidnapper is hounded by memories of a singing blind girl whom he killed for fun in Afghanistan. In his hallucinations, he see the blind girl and hear her beautiful voice everywhere. Kidnapper suspects loss of Mia is God's punishment for not returning Jennifer to her mother. Kidnapper prepare to take Jennifer back to her mother and that leads to the climactic events and tragic conclusion of the story. Best Picture at American International Film Festival ( and Award winning actors. This movie will keep you at the edge of your seats until the end. No nudity. No vulgar language. No profanity. There is violence. Recommended for 13 yrs. and older. Another satire by award winning director ctom.
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