Looking for D'Luca 4 Inches Child's on Best Deals. You can buy it now with special price in stock, low price D'Luca 4 Inches Child's Tambourine Pink TW-4PK for sale. Save with fast and might get free shipping service in usa, Best buy and best quality of product from D'Luca. Do not miss buy D'Luca 4 Inches Child's now!
Here are some of the great features of D'Luca 4 Inches Child's Tambourine Pink TW-4PK
D'Luca 4 Inches Child's, This D'Luca 4 Inches Child's mini-size tambourine is headless and features a single row of 4 pairs of jingles. Ideal for children's music groups workshops or classes the D'Luca Miniature Tambourine consists of four pairs of metal jingles mounted within a 4mm thick plastic frame. Perfectly designed for smaller hands to easily grasp the curved handle this hugely popular piece of percussion produces a great distinctive tone & is often considered a necessary part for any young percussion groups.
- D'Luca 4 Inches Child's mini-size tambourine
- Headless and features a single row of 4 pairs of jingles
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