Best Deals D'Luca 4 Inches Child's Tambourine Pink TW-4PK

Looking for D'Luca 4 Inches Child's on Best Deals. You can buy it now with special price in stock, low price D'Luca 4 Inches Child's Tambourine Pink TW-4PK for sale. Save with fast and might get free shipping service in usa, Best buy and best quality of product from D'Luca. Do not miss buy D'Luca 4 Inches Child's now!

Here are some of the great features of D'Luca 4 Inches Child's Tambourine Pink TW-4PK

D'Luca 4 Inches Child's, This D'Luca 4 Inches Child's mini-size tambourine is headless and features a single row of 4 pairs of jingles. Ideal for children's music groups workshops or classes the D'Luca Miniature Tambourine consists of four pairs of metal jingles mounted within a 4mm thick plastic frame. Perfectly designed for smaller hands to easily grasp the curved handle this hugely popular piece of percussion produces a great distinctive tone & is often considered a necessary part for any young percussion groups.

  • D'Luca 4 Inches Child's mini-size tambourine
  • Headless and features a single row of 4 pairs of jingles
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D'Luca 4 Inches Child's on Sale 2012. Find Best Price and Customer Reviews for D'Luca 4 Inches Child's with Price Comparison of Online Purchase. Fast & Super Saver Shipping.

As of Monday, January 23, 2012 1:37 PM PST ( *Pricing disclaimer : Product prices, promotion and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change without notice. Any price and availability information displayed on the original websites, as applicable at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of related products. )