Pennzoil 550028526 5W30 High Mileage Motor Oil - 5.1 Quart Jug, (Pack of 3)
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Pennzoil 550028526 5W30 High Mileage Motor Oil - 5.1 Quart Jug, (Pack of 3) Details & Features
Pennzoil 550028526, Pennzoil High Mileage was specifically formulated to give extra life protection to engines with over 75,000 miles and reduces oil consumption by slowing down or preventing oil leaks. Leading high mileage oil helps keep engines cleaner and provides better wear protection backed by the Pennzoil limited warranty. ...
Here are some of the great features of Pennzoil 550028526- Next generation Pennzoil High Mileage oil cleans out up to 40 percent of the engine sludge in the first oil change
- Designed to give extra life to engines with over 75,000 miles
- Meeting or exceeding industry standard in preventing oil consumption
- Formulation reduces oil consumption by slowing down or preventing oil leaks
- High mileage oil helps keep engines cleaner and provides better wear protection and is backed by the Pennzoil limited warranty
Buy Pennzoil 550028526. Best Deals Pennzoil 550028526 5W30 High Mileage Motor Oil - 5.1 Quart Jug, (Pack of 3) Reasonable Price. Order Today with Free & Fast Shipping. Time is running out! Order Now and SAVE.